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6mm Victory Blanks

SKU: 6051
SKU: 6051

6mm Victory Blanks


  • 100 cartridges per tin
  • Reliable and clean 6mm (.22 cal) crimped blank cartridge
  • Economic starter blank for 15mm pyrotechnic scare cartridges

6mm Victory Blanks ignite and propel pyrotechnic scare cartridges, such as bangers and screamers from the scare cartridge launchers. These 6mm blanks are compatible with all 15mm cartridges and Margo Launchers that require 6mm blanks with the exception of the Margo Thunderstick

Blanks are required for any launcher and cartridge to work. Please ensure that you are purchasing blanks that are compatible with your launcher by comparing them with the “Compatible Launcher” section of this listing.


Product Specifications

Additional information

Weight 0.045 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 1.5 cm

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    CO2 Tank (20 Oz.)
    1 X $45.00 = $45.00


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