What Launcher do I need?

Model Comparison: What Scare Cartridge Launcher Do I Need?

Margo Supplies provides the Best Launchers for wildlife management. Below you will find a list of all the launchers that we currently carry and a comparison between them. Compare the models of Scare Cartridge Launchers to find the best launchers for you

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The Record Single-Shot Launcher is a simple and affordable option that is easy to maintain. The single-shot uses 6mm crimped blanks. It is Ideal for hikers, hunters, and other outdoor enthusiasts as well as for light industrial use. It comes in a bright safety orange colour. 

Blanks: 6mm 
Good For: Affordable low volume use. 
5-Shot Adapter Compatible: No 
Fast Firing: Moderate
Ease of Maintenance: Simple daily maintenance. 

Unlike the single-record shot, this Record Double-Shot Launcher can load 2 blanks and cartridges at a time to be fired in quick succession. Ideal for hikers, hunters, and other outdoor enthusiasts as well as for light industrial use. It comes in a bright safety orange colour. 

Blanks: 6mm 
Good For: Affordable low volume use. 
5-Shot Adapter Compatible: No 
Fast Firing: Moderate, Double Shot allows for more aggressive hazing. 
Ease of Maintenance: Simple daily maintenance

The RG-3 is one of our more compact launcher options. Simple in its use and easy to carry. 

Blanks: 6mm
Good For: Light to moderate industrial use. 
5-Shot Adapter Compatible: No
Fast Firing: Yes
Ease of Maintenance: Simple daily, frequent deep cleans

The RG-300 is very similar to the RG-3, but the RG-300 loads 10 blanks in a clip. 

Blanks: 6mm
Good For: Light to moderate industrial use. 
5-Shot Adapter Compatible: No
Fast Firing: Yes
Ease of Maintenance: Simple daily, frequent deep cleans.

The RG-59 revolver uses .380 blanks and can load up to 5 at a time. This launcher is able to be used with the 5 shot adapter which screws into the barrel and allows for simultaneous launching of any combination of up to five 15mm pyrotechnic scare cartridges.

Blanks: .380 
Good For: Aggressive scaring and cold weather use. 
5-Shot Adapter Compatible: Yes
Fast Firing: Yes
Ease of Maintenance: Simple daily with detailed monthly cleans. 

The RG-89 revolver is the more weighty version of the RG-59. It also uses .380 blanks. 

Blanks: .380
Good For: Aggressive Scaring  
5-Shot Adapter Compatible: Yes
Fast Firing: Yes
Ease of Maintenance: Simple daily with detailed monthly cleans. 

The Margo Thunderstick is a non-gun launcher designed specifically for the airport and industrial use.

The Thunderstick is easy to use and has 3 safety mechanisms: A safety switch, a pin, and a gravity trigger that locks the trigger when the launcher is pointed downward. 

Blanks: 6mm 
Good For: Heavy industrial use. 
5-Shot Adapter Compatible: No 
Fast Firing: Yes 
Ease of Maintenance: Simple maintenance at the end of each use. 

If you have any questions about the information above, please contact info@margosupplies.com


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    RG-300 Ten-Shot Launcher
    1 X $237.21 = $237.21


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